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CatalyzU | Company profile, Business Model, and Operations

Recieved Funding?
Type of Funding
Angel investors, Venture capital
Number of Funding Phases
Business Type
Private Company

All you need to know about CatalyzU

About CatalyzU

CatalyzU (formerly Young African Catalysts) is an organization that shapes the future of Africa’s leading talent. They focus on non-technical talent and offer programs to equip founders, aspiring founders, and startup employees with essential skills for building scalable businesses in Africa.

They offer special programs and fellowships to teach important skills for building successful startups in Africa. Their "How to Startup" Fellowship is like a guidebook, showing aspiring founders how to turn their ideas into reality with practical tips and advice from experienced mentors.

Also, they have Venture Capital Fellowships for those interested in investing in startups. These fellowships teach everything from the basics of investing to advanced strategies, getting people ready for roles as investors or even startup founders themselves.

At CatalyzU, they believe in the power of connections, so they bring together the best and brightest minds in Africa to share ideas and support each other on their entrepreneurial journeys.

The founders of CatalyzU are:

Company Locations:

  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • Lagos, Nigeria

Website: https://catalyzu.io/

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a driving force in Africa's transformation by nurturing a generation of innovative leaders and fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

We strive to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to create lasting impact through entrepreneurship and investment.

Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to catalyze positive change, unlock potential, and inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration across the continent.

Our Mission

Our mission at CatalyzU is to empower Africa's emerging entrepreneurs and investors by providing them with access to quality education, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

We are dedicated to equipping individuals with the practical skills, knowledge, and support they need to build successful startups and make informed investment decisions.

Core Values at CatalyzU

They take the following important:

  • Empowerment: CatalyzU believes in empowering individuals to create positive change.
  • Inclusivity: They value diversity and actively work to create an inclusive community where everyone’s voice is heard.
  • Excellence: They encourage high standards, continuous learning, and a commitment to growth.

Products and Services

The products and services offered by CatalyzU are:

1. Venture Capital Fellowship - Advanced

This is an in-depth program that covers venture capital philosophy, investment processes, portfolio management, and more. It is aimed at individuals with some experience in business or startups.

2. Venture Capital Fellowship - Fundamentals

This is an introductory program to venture capital. They design this for individuals looking to enter the Venture Capital ecosystem, covering basic principles and processes.

3. 'How to Startup' Fellowship

This is a program focused on equipping founders and startup employees with skills and knowledge to build scalable businesses. It covers idea validation, MVP creation, and fundraising.

4. Young African Catalysts Network

This is a network that provides access to a community of founders and venture capitalists across Africa, available to graduates of CatalyzU programs.

Business Model

CatalyzU sustains its operations through diverse revenue streams. It takes equity stakes in startups, aligning financial success with their growth. While program fees are not primary, they help cover operational costs.

Also, corporate partnerships provide sponsorships and funding, benefiting both startups and corporations. Event sponsorships for demo days and workshops generate additional revenue and exposure. Alumni contributions, through financial donations or mentorship, further support the accelerator.

These revenue streams ensure CatalyzU can deliver comprehensive support to startups, driving innovation and long-term success while maintaining financial stability.

Company Co-founders
Luke Mostert
Karl Nchite

Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Information Technology Consulting Educational Software

The Company was Founded
The Company was established on
January 1, 2022
The Company has its Operational Headquarters at Cape Town, South Africa
The Company is contributing to the development of the Industry IT Services
Staff Strength since Inception
The Company prides in her team member of about 1 - 50 active members

CatalyzU Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Information Technology Consulting Educational Software

Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
How many number of Funding rounds?
Company Net worth as of 2023

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