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Jahmex Software Technology | Company profile, Business Model, and Operations

Recieved Funding?
Not Sure
Type of Funding
Venture capital, Series A Funding, Series B Funding
Number of Funding Phases
Business Type
Private Company

All you need to know about Jahmex Software Technology

Jahmex Software Technology is a dynamic IT solutions company based in Abuja, Nigeria. The company is known for its innovative approach to software development, offering a wide range of services including web design and development, blockchain development, graphic design, video editing, digital marketing, software integration, network services, and consultancy.

This company creates cutting-edge technology solutions that help businesses operate more efficiently and effectively. Their team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering high-quality services tailored to meet the unique needs of their clients, ensuring robust and scalable solutions.

Our Mission

To empower businesses through innovative software solutions, exceptional training, and unwavering support to foster growth and technological advancement globally.

Our Vision

We want to be a leading force in the global tech industry, driving innovation and excellence through empowering young, talented developers.

Core Values at Jahmex Software Technology

  • Innovation: Constantly seeking new and better ways to solve problems.
  • Excellence: Committed to delivering high-quality solutions.
  • Integrity: Conducting business with honesty and transparency.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Prioritizing the needs and success of clients.

Services We Provide

We provide the following services:

  • Web Design and Development: Creating responsive, user-friendly websites tailored to client needs.
  • Blockchain Development: Developing secure and efficient blockchain solutions.
  • Graphic Design and Video Editing: Crafting compelling visual content.
  • Digital Marketing: Implementing effective online marketing strategies.
  • Software Integration and Installation: Ensuring seamless integration of software systems.
  • Network Services: Providing reliable network setup and maintenance.
  • Consultancy and Training: Offering expert advice and comprehensive training programs.

Business Model at Jahmex Software Technology

Jahmex Software Technology generates revenue through a diverse portfolio of services. They offer bespoke software development and IT solutions on a project basis, charging clients for the time and resources required.

Additionally, they provide training programs and consultancy services, billed on a per-session basis or through long-term contracts. Their digital marketing and graphic design services also contribute to their revenue stream, with fees based on the complexity and scope of each project.


Who is the founder of Jahmex Software Technology?

It was founded by Rotimi Elisha.

What Year was Jahmex Software Technology founded?

It was founded in 2019.

Where is the headquarters of Jahmex Software Technology?

The company has its Operational Headquarters in Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.

How many projects a year does Jahmex Software Technology deliver?

On average, this company delivers more than 50 projects annually.

Who are the Company’s main clients?

Their main clients include small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups, and large corporations across various sectors looking for innovative IT solutions and services.

Company Co-founders
Umar Faruq Akinwunmi
Engr. Rotimi Elisha

Jahmex Software Technology
Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Service Speciality List IT Strategy Consulting Corporate Training Enterprise App Modernization Application Management & Support Blockchain Artificial Intelligence IoT Development E-Commerce Development Wearable App Development Mobile App Development

The Company was Founded
The Company was established on
October 12, 2019
The Company has its Operational Headquarters at Bwari along law school behind jamb headquarter bwari fct Abuja , Abuja, Nigeria
The Company is contributing to the development of the Industry IT Consulting, Software Development, Web Design, Web Development
Staff Strength since Inception
The Company prides in her team member of about 1 - 50 active members

Jahmex Software Technology Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Service Speciality List IT Strategy Consulting Corporate Training Enterprise App Modernization Application Management & Support Blockchain Artificial Intelligence IoT Development E-Commerce Development Wearable App Development Mobile App Development

Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
How many number of Funding rounds?
Not Available
Company Net worth as of 2023

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