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Basecode | Company profile, Business Model, and Operations

Recieved Funding?
Not Sure
Type of Funding
Venture capital, Series A Funding, Series B Funding
Number of Funding Phases
Business Type
Private Company

All you need to know about Basecode

Basecode is a dynamic IT services and consulting firm founded in Lagos, Nigeria by Matthew Omeike. They specialize in digital solutions to automate and streamline business operations.

With a dedicated team possessing over 16 years of combined hands-on experience, Basecode focuses on implementing technologies such as Zoho, Salesforce, and Google Workspace to enhance productivity, organization, and profitability for businesses.

By partnering with SMEs and large companies, they deliver customized, innovative solutions that make daily operations more efficient and effective, ultimately driving business growth and success.

Our Mission

We aim to empower businesses by providing comprehensive digital solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and drive profitability.

Our Vision

We strive to be the leading provider of innovative IT solutions, helping businesses worldwide transform and thrive in the digital age.

Core Values at Basecode

  • Customized Solutions
  • Innovation
  • Client-Centric Approach
  • Agility

Services We Provide

We provide the following services:

  • Customer Relationship Management Solutions
  • Business Email Workplace Solutions
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • HR Solutions
  • Inventory Management Systems
  • Marketing System Solutions
  • Support Desk Solutions
  • Zoho Implementation and Development
  • Ongoing Support and Migration Services

Additionally, Basecode provides specialized packages for Zoho products and integrations with platforms like Xero, Quickbooks, and Microsoft Teams.

Business Model at Basecode

Basecode operates on a B2B model, generating revenue by offering tailored IT services and digital solutions to businesses.

Their income streams include consulting fees, implementation charges, ongoing support contracts, and subscription services for various digital tools and platforms.

By addressing the unique needs of each client, Basecode ensures a high level of customer satisfaction and long-term partnerships, which drive recurring revenue.


Who is the founder of Basecode?

It was founded by Matthew Omeike.

What Year was Basecode founded?

It was founded in 2017.

Where is the headquarters of Basecode?

The company has its Operational Headquarters at 62a Muritala Eletu Way, Osapa London 101245, Lekki, Nigeria.

How many projects a year does Basecode deliver?

On average, this company can deliver as much as its available resources can handle.

Who are Basecode’s main clients?

Main clients include SMEs to large enterprises across various industries including Chapel & York and PM-Rehab.com.

Company Co-founders
Umar Faruq Akinwunmi
Matthew Omeike

Business Model

The Company major services and product include: IT Services and IT Consulting

The Company was Founded
The Company was established on
September 20, 2017
The Company has its Operational Headquarters at 62a Muritala Eletu Way, Osapa London 101245, Lekki
The Company is contributing to the development of the Industry Consulting, IT Services
Staff Strength since Inception
The Company prides in her team member of about 1 - 50 active members

Basecode Business Model

The Company major services and product include: IT Services and IT Consulting

Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
How many number of Funding rounds?
Not Available
Company Net worth as of 2023

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