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Christian Maximilian

Christian Maximilian

I am a Software Engineer, technical writer, and overall tech enthusiast. For me, utilizing my skills as a Software Engineer to perform Technical Search Engine Optimization is not just a job, but something I gladly incorporate into my pastimes as well, and I have been doing this for over 3 years. When I'm not coding or writing technical documentation, I enjoy listening to music and exploring new genres.

Pay for SGR online booking via MPesa 2024

Since mid-2017, Kenya Railway has been operating the Madaraka Express, commonly referred to as the SGR. This railway system consists of two kinds of trains: the intercity train and the inter-county train. The Intercity Train provides a rapid service between…

Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic 2024

In the modern digital landscape, businesses heavily depend on web applications to serve and meet customer needs. To ensure optimal performance and continuous availability, synthetic monitoring plays a crucial role. New Relic, a prominent Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool, provides…

8 Hybrid Vehicles you Should not Buy

Starting with a warning-like title, let’s define hybrid cars—a vehicle utilizing two or more power sources. So, what defines hybrid cars? Hybrids use distinct power types, like submarines using diesel surfaced and batteries submerged. Energy storage includes pressurized fluid in…

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