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Oluwajuwon Oladiti

Oluwajuwon Oladiti

Oladiti Oluwajuwon is an ardent reader and a voracious writer who is passionate about informing the public with first-hand, authentic information. His writing expertise has spanned over 5+ years, an odyssey that began in 2018. Over the years, he has crafted pieces across multiple domains, including religion, education, politics, and tech. There are two principles at the core of his writing: information must be genuine and accurate, and there is nothing erudite about speaking in terms people don't understand. While maintaining technicality, messages must be passed in a way that resonates with the readers. Oluwajuwon is also a software engineer who specializes in backend development with Python, and he has an unwavering passion for music, pop genre especially.

Does AI Help or Hurt the Tech Sector

The symbiotic relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the technology sector has become a focal point in the ever-evolving landscape of innovation. As AI continues to revolutionize the way businesses operate, a pertinent question emerges: Does AI serve as a…

7 Hot Tech Jobs in Global Demand 2024

In the dynamic landscape of the industrial revolution, tech jobs have emerged as the cornerstone of global innovation and progress. As businesses worldwide embrace digital transformation, the demand for skilled professionals versed in cutting-edge technologies continues to soar. This article…

Nigeria’s Top 10 Tech Brands in 2024

It is no news that technology is the new oil, and African countries can be seen embracing it with open arms. People from different geographical spaces globally can be seen gravitating towards this trend in different forms, and while some…

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