Android One, Android Oreo and Android Go: Which is Best for you?

Android One, Android Oreo, and Android Go are Google Android operating systems. They power billions of phones from Huawei, Samsung, and Nokia.

Android One was introduced in 2014 as an original single variation of the Android operating system. But with the advent of Android Oreo, manufacturers can now modify the operating system deployed by Google to make it unique to their phones. 

In this article, we will answer the questions that some users may have: What is Android One? What is Android Oreo? And what is Android Go? 

Understanding Android One, Android Oreo and Android Go

What is Android One? What are Android Go, and Android Oreo? This section elaborates on these three Android versions. We will discuss when they were established, their features and distinctions. 

These operating systems are not the only Android OS available. The latest Android version is Android 14, which boasts thoroughly secure and private settings.

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Comprehensive Features of Android One, Android Go, and Android Oreo

Before extensively discussing Android One, Android Go, and Android Oreo, let’s get an overview of their key features.

The table below highlights the three Android versions and their various specifications. 

FeatureAndroid One Android OreoAndroid Go
Device TypeMostly mid-end devices and some high-end High/mid-end devicesEntry level processors 
Variations No variations; original Android OSCan be modified by manufacturers Minimal variations 
UpdatesRegular updates directly from GoogleUpdates from the manufacturerOptimised from scratch
SecurityRegular updates from Google within two yearsSecured by manufacturerRegular updates from Google 
AppsAccepts all apps on the Google Play StoreAccepts all apps on the Google Play StoreAccepts Lite versions of apps

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What is Android One? 

Android One is the original Android Operating System (OS). It is used by manufacturers as deployed by Google. This means hardware partners cannot modify this OS to suit their device—they can only “copy and paste.”

The Android One’s originality prevents a slow interface and sluggish device updates born from manufacturers’ OS customisations.

While this may be advantageous to users, it seems disadvantageous to manufacturers. Today, only Nokia phones still use Android One. 

Features of Android One  

Here are some common features of the Android One operating system: 

  • No customisations from different manufacturers; it is pure Android as deployed by Google 
  • Approved hardware based on performance tests.
  • Consistent security and OS updates from Google

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What is Android Oreo? 

Android Oreo, also known as Stock or PixelUI, was first introduced in early 2017 as Android 8.0 and launched at the end of the same year. 

Android Oreo was designed to fit any hardware type. Device manufacturers can tailor the storage, processing power, and other compositions of Android 8.0 to fit their device model.

As long as a device can run the latest Android, Android 8.0 can work to fit its specifications. 

This is unlike Andriod One, the same original variation on all hardware partners. Android Oreo comes in different variations, designed by the hardware manufacturer adapting it. 

Features of Android Oreo Phones 

Some common features of Android Oreo include:  

  • Android Oreo isn’t exclusive to Android; manufacturers can create different variations of it. Examples include the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Huawei Mate 10 Pro.
  • It offers a picture-in-picture mode.
  • It offers split-screen multitasking. 
  • It comes with Daydream support.

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What is Android Go?

Android Go launched in 2017. It’s a simple Android OS with all the essentials and nothing beyond. It was built to support low-spec devices with entry-level processors. 

Android Go phones, like the Nokia 1 and ZTE Tempo Go, are usually affordable, ranging between $80 and $200. This is because they have a basic OS with no more than 16GB of storage. They also have data-saving features and optimised performance. Pre-installed apps are usually in Lite. 

Features of Android Go Phones 

Some common features of Android Go Phones include: 

  • Gmail, YouTube, and other Google Apps have “Go” versions deployed by Google to suit Android Go phones. They are usually lightweight with fewer performance resources. There is also a Google Play Store Go version. The apps on this store are built to comply with Android Go phones
  • Android Go phones are usually low-spec devices with RAM as low as 512MB and no more than 16GB
  • Android Go phones are lightweight, to optimise their performance.
  • Android Go phones are usually affordable, between $80 and $200.
  • Android Go phones have data savings features.

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Android Go Limitations 

Android Go limitations are as follows: 

  • Android Go phones are usually low-end devices. This is because modern, high-end devices do not support this old OS. So, if a manufacturer chooses this OS, they cannot use it for a high-spec device. 
  • The Google Play Store apps on Android Go are built to fit the Android Go OS, which means they have certain limitations. Their features and capacity are tailored to what is compatible with Android Go models. 
  • Android Go phones usually have a low RAM, as low as 512MB. This means the operating system is slow.

Which Android is Best For Me?  

You may wonder which best suits you now that you know Android One, Android Go, and Android Oreo. What OS should you look out for when choosing a phone to buy? Your choice will be determined by factors such as: 

  • Affordability: Android Go phones are usually the most affordable, although this means you will compromise on performance and style. With Android Go, you have basic functions like calls, texts, and internet, with optimised performance and data savings options. 
  • Performance, Speed, and Updates: If you are concerned about a fast interface and constant device updates, you might go for Android Oreo. Manufacturers customise Android Oreo, thus improving, optimising, or expanding certain capabilities. Android Oreo is also better for users who like a variety of improved features and quality apps on their phones.
  • Originality: Android One is their go-to phone for customers who like the original Android experience. This offers a bloatware-free experience with consistent Google updates. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which is Better, Android One or Android Go?

Android Go phones have their uniqueness, and so do Android One phones. They (Android Go phones) are low spec, with standard performance and basic features. However, Android One phones can pass as mid-spec, although they are managed solely by Google. 

What is the Difference between Android One and Android Oreo?

The main difference between Android One and Android Oreo is their originality. Android One is an original Android OS. Manufacturers use it exactly as Google deploys it. Hardware partners, on the other hand, can modify Android Oreo. Device manufacturers can tailor the storage, processing power, and other compositions of Android Oreo to fit their device model.

Which Android Version is Better? 

The latest version, Android 14, is currently the best Android OS.

Conclusion: Know Your Android 

Now, you can answer the question, “What is Android One?” You also know more about Android Oreo and Android Go phones. 

So, when you next go phone shopping and you see Android Go phones, you can tell their specifications apart from those of other Android OS phones. 

Staying abreast of all the Android operating systems helps you make an informed decision during purchase. So stay tuned to our blog for all tech updates. Follow us on X, formerly Twiiter, @SiliconAfriTech to ensure you don’t miss out.



  • – Android Oreo vs Android One vs Android Go: All their differences, explained
  • – Which Android is the best for you? Android One, Android Oreo and Android Go explained
Oluwajuwon Oladiti
Oluwajuwon Oladiti

Oladiti Oluwajuwon is an ardent reader and a voracious writer who is passionate about informing the public with first-hand, authentic information. His writing expertise has spanned over 5+ years, an odyssey that began in 2018. Over the years, he has crafted pieces across multiple domains, including religion, education, politics, and tech. There are two principles at the core of his writing: information must be genuine and accurate, and there is nothing erudite about speaking in terms people don't understand. While maintaining technicality, messages must be passed in a way that resonates with the readers.

Oluwajuwon is also a software engineer who specializes in backend development with Python, and he has an unwavering passion for music, pop genre especially.

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