Physical Address
60 Ekwema Cres, Layout 460281, Imo
Physical Address
60 Ekwema Cres, Layout 460281, Imo
Understanding mobile networks is simplified by looking at the phone number prefix, such as those in Nigeria. An example is this: What network is 0817? It should be recalled that 0817 belongs to 9mobile, one of the leading telecommunications providers in the country.
In Nigeria, several dominant players in the mobile landscape exist, including MTN, Airtel, Glo, and 9mobile. Each of these networks has specific prefixes that help users identify what provider a number is with.
Prefixes like 0817 are essential in such identification and ensure smooth communication between or within different networks. These prefixes would allow users to identify the network provider for any phone number.
So, let’s explore the world of Nigerian mobile networks further and what the 0817 prefix means in this thriving telecommunications space.
A mobile number prefix is the initial set of digits in a mobile phone number that indicates the specific network provider and, in some instances, the geographical area.
In Nigeria, for example, the mobile number prefixes include 0817 or something similar to identify the mobile networks of MTN, GLO, or Airtel.
These prefixes guide telecom systems on how to correctly forward calls and can also help users identify service providers linked to a number.
Understanding these prefixes enhances user awareness and improves communication efficiency in today’s interconnected world.
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The prefix 0817 in Nigeria belongs to 9mobile, previously known as Etisalat.
This prefix belongs to the range of mobile numbers for users on the 9mobile network, including other prefixes such as 0809 and 0818.
Understanding the meaning of these various prefixes helps users identify the network provider for any given phone number, assisting in better communication and call management.
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Bulk SMS is just sending Text messages to a multitude. When one has many people to send a text message to, it will be cost-effective and quicker to send using Bulk SMS.
You can deliver your Bulk SMS to users on the 9mobile network for delivery. You have to have the right platform.
Here’s how to send bulk sms to 9mobile numbers:
1. Choose a Bulk SMS Provider: Create an account with any of SmartSMSSolutions, CheapestBulkSMSinNigeria, or Multitexter.
2. Create an Account: Register and fund your account on the platform.
3. Compose Your Message:
– Log in to your dashboard.
– Select “Send SMS” or the equivalent option.
– Enter your sender ID, recipient phone numbers and your message.
4. Send Your SMS: Click “Send” to dispatch your messages.
If needed, you can also utilize tools for extracting 9mobile numbers from mixed lists.
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Familiarity with these prefixes can yield significant benefits for users, such as saving money and increasing efficiency in communication. Here’s why it’s helpful to know the network prefixes of each Nigerian:
Besides the above, the understanding of such prefixes assists organizations in communicating appropriately with customers and making necessary decisions relating to their needs for network services. Overall, they support one through the telecommunications process.
0817 is a prefix number used by 9mobile, formerly called Etisalat Nigeria.
9mobile offers several services, including voice calls, data plans, and mobile money services. It is also trying to innovate.
Other 9mobile prefixes include 0809, 0818, 0908, and 0909.
9mobile has a reputation for reliable data services and voice calls, so users seem to consider it one of the best telecommunications network options.
You can report these spam calls to your network provider or block the number directly from your phone.
If you have ever asked 0817 is what network in Nigeria? The 0817 prefix belongs to a leading telecommunication service provider in Nigeria, 9mobile.
If you get a call or message with a number starting with 0817, such a caller is using the 9mobile network. This is one of the quickest and most efficient networks, often called Etisalat Nigeria, with reliable services and some of the most friendly data prices.
Any time you see 0817, it is owned by 9mobile. This can be very important for knowing the rates or call promos this network may offer.
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