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Is Your Job Next?: 11 Industries that AI Will Kill First in 2024

January 19, 2024

Artificial intelligence has become a phrase that has penetrated our entire lives. AI and automation are altering the way organizations engage with their customers and carry out their operations. The restructuring of the industry has also resulted in a shift in skill needs.

The accelerating progress of Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings forth an increasing debate about job security across various sectors. While AI may enhance efficiency and improve accuracy in certain operations, it also raises concerns about the potential loss of jobs across a spectrum of industries. 

There’s an anticipated evolution in several fields, possibly rendering some jobs obsolete. As AI technology advances, individuals in particular job roles are grappling with the looming reality that they might need to redefine their skills. 

This article aims to discuss eleven industries that are potentially on the brink of transformation due to AI’s disruptive power. Brace yourself for a thrilling exploration of the evolving AI job landscape.

The Rise of AI: A Brief Overview

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has dramatically reshaped our world since its conceptual birth in the 1950s. Pivotal milestones include the creation of the first neural network in the 60s, IBM’s Deep Blue beating chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, and the establishment of self-learning algorithms in the early 21st century. 

In 2011, AI made global headlines when IBM’s Watson defeated champions in Jeopardy. Google’s AlphaGo surpassed human capabilities in the complex game of Go in 2016. 

The development continued until 2024, with AI displaying advancements in diverse fields like healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles. The exponential growth of AI, powered by deep learning and big data, is fueling technological breakthroughs, reflecting the incredible potential for AI’s future.

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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is triggering a sea change in today’s job market. There is widespread apprehension that AI, with its machine learning and automation capabilities, may render a vast array of jobs redundant. From manufacturing to customer service, no industry seems immune from this disruption. 

However, a more nuanced view suggests that while AI may indeed replace some jobs, it can also create new roles that did not exist before. We’re already seeing an increasing demand for AI specialists, data analysts, and engineers. 

AI is also poised to transform job roles; rather than outright job loss, there may be job displacement, where tasks within a job are redefined or automated. Overall, the impact of AI on employment is complex, entailing both challenges and opportunities. 

Preparing for this transformation involves continual skill enhancement and adaptability to keep pace with changing technological dynamics. The key lies in how we harness the potential of AI, rather than fear its impact.

Potential Consequences of AI Replacing Human Workers

While this development is heralded for its potential to increase efficiency and productivity, it also raises significant concerns about the future of human work. The effects of AI replacing human workers could be enormous, altering labor markets and societal structures on a global scale. 

Here are some of the potential consequences of AI replacing human workers:

1. Unemployment

One of the most obvious and immediate impacts of AI taking over human jobs would be increased unemployment. According to an Oxford Economics study, up to 20 million manufacturing jobs could be automated globally by 2030. Workers in certain industries such as transportation, manufacturing, and retail are more likely to be affected than those in healthcare or education.

2. Income Inequality

Another potential consequence is the deepening of income inequality. With automation favoring those with advanced skills and education, those at the bottom of the skill ladder are more likely to find themselves out of work, widening the gap between the rich and the poor.

3. Changes in Skill Demand

As AI takes over repetitive and mundane tasks, there will be a higher demand for creativity, critical thinking, and high-level problem-solving skills. Workers may need to learn new skills to stay relevant, which could further widen the inequality gap for those without access to proper training and education.

4. Economy Impact

Economists argue that automation could lead to an increase in productivity and cost savings, potentially boosting economies. However, if mass unemployment results from automation, it could decrease consumer purchasing power, negatively affecting economies.

5. Social and Psychological Effects

Job loss could also have severe social and psychological effects, leading to increased rates of stress, depression, and other mental health issues. Joblessness is often tied to loss of identity and purpose, contributing to wider social problems.

6. Potential Labor Market Changes

With machines taking over tasks, new job roles and industries could emerge. This process, known as creative destruction, means old jobs are replaced by new ones, requiring new skills.

7. Impact on Social Structures

Automation could affect social structures, including the organization of societies and families. For instance, with robots taking on more household chores, traditional gender roles may shift, potentially contributing to greater gender equality.

The evolution of AI and automation is a complex and multifaceted issue. While the potential for efficiency and productivity is immense, so too are the risks to employment, income equality, and societal structures. 

As such, businesses, governments, and society as a whole must consider these potential consequences when implementing and adopting these technologies. Policymakers must seek solutions that protect vulnerable workers while leveraging the benefits of AI.

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11 Industries That AI Will Kill First in 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming many industries and jobs. It has brought significant changes and disruption in different fields with its automation, machine learning, and natural language processing capabilities. 

However, with this innovation, there are some industries and jobs that could potentially be in the firing line, in which AI is expected to replace human effort.

Here are 11 industries and jobs that could be most at risk due to AI advancements:

1. Proofreading 

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on the proofreading industry has become increasingly significant. Artificial Intelligence tools are programmed to detect errors with an unparalleled level of precision and efficiency. 

By 2024, Artificial Intelligence will further transform proofreading by making automated grammar and spell-checkers more sophisticated and reliable. This advanced capability might render manual proofreading jobs obsolete, as Artificial Intelligence can operate faster and minimize human errors. 

Additionally, Artificial Intelligence proficiency in interpreting context within a piece of writing means it could adapt and understand different styles and tones of language, adding another layer of threat to traditional proofreading jobs.

2. Graphic Designing 

The advancement of AI will significantly disrupt the graphic design industry by 2024. AI is continuously learning to analyze designs, understand design elements, and recreate professional-quality visuals. 

Platforms have started incorporating AI that creates design templates and delivers unique graphic solutions based on users’ inputs. AI technology’s evolving ability to imitate creativity might limit the need for graphic designers. 

Furthermore, the capability of AI to automate mundane tasks within seconds would lead to businesses’ shift towards more efficient and cost-effective design methods. While human creativity remains unbeatable, AI is bound to cause job losses in the graphic design industry.

3. Translators & Interpreter Jobs

With the continual advancements in AI and machine learning, the translation and interpreting industry is likely to be greatly impacted by 2024. 

AI-driven translation tools are getting better at understanding and translating complex languages in real time, eliminating the need for human translators. While it’s true that certain nuances of languages and cultural aspects might be lost in AI translations, improvements in technology are slowly reducing these shortcomings. 

Such AI tools also promise efficiency and speed, capable of translating large amounts of text in a fraction of the time a human would take, reducing costs significantly. The continual progression of this technology could threaten traditional roles within the translation and interpreting industry.

4. Manufacturing 

Artificial Intelligence is anticipated to be the key disruptor in the manufacturing industry by 2024. AI-powered automation can handle repetitive, mundane tasks efficiently and without fatigue. This translates to higher production rates, reduced error margins, and superior product quality. 

AI in robotics, combined with machine learning, can easily adapt to variations in the manufacturing process, reducing the necessity for manual labor. This doesn’t only apply to assembly line jobs but also to roles in quality control, maintenance, and material moving. 

AI isn’t just replacing human roles; it’s also transforming the way products are manufactured. With increased precision, speed, and quality control, AI is projected to overtake a substantial number of roles in the manufacturing sector.

5. Data Entry & Data Processing

As automation advances, industries like data entry and data processing are facing imminent disruption. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now able to read and interpret data at a speed and accuracy that is unattainable by human operators. 

AI-powered systems like Machine Learning algorithms and Optical Character Recognition technologies are expected to replace large parts of data entry tasks, enabling faster and more accurate data extraction and interpretation. 

With the capabilities of working around the clock, AI not only increases productivity but also reduces costs. Moreover, it eliminates the risk of human error, a critical factor in this industry.

6. Basic Accounting & Bookkeeping

The accounting and bookkeeping sector is likely to be greatly impacted by Artificial Intelligence. The repetitive tasks such as basic calculations, tracking payments and invoices, updating financial data, and reconciling bank statements, which were traditionally carried out by humans, can be easily handled by AI tools with high accuracy and efficiency. 

With developments in AI-based applications and software, the accounting process is streamlined and quicker. Predictions for 2024 indicate an increased adoption of AI, where not only small businesses but also large corporations will be integrating AI tools in their accounting systems. 

As AI evolves, it might drastically reduce the need for human accountants for basic bookkeeping.

7. Customer Service & Support Representative

The advent of AI and its rapid evolution could greatly affect the role of Customer Service & Support Representatives. Bots with natural language processing capabilities, voice assistants, and AI-based automated systems are swiftly taking over customer service and support functions. 

The efficiency of AI in handling queries 24/7 without any time-bound limitations and with consistent quality puts human customer service jobs at high risk. 

The system’s ability to learn, adapt, and improve through machine learning, without any demand for pay hikes or leaves, only amplifies the probability of replacing humans in customer service roles by 2024.

8. Market Research Analyst

AI’s influence in the realm of market research could very likely overshadow the role of market research analysts. With powerful AI algorithms capable of crunching enormous datasets to reveal trends and patterns far beyond human capability, traditional roles in market research are becoming obsolete. 

Machine learning can process complex and vast information in real time, producing accurate, highly targeted insights more swiftly and accurately. The continuous self-learning and adaptability of AI systems can anticipate consumer behavior and market trends better than human analysts, potentially making the job redundant by 2024. 

AI does not only increase productivity and reduce errors but also cuts costs in the long term, rendering human roles in market research superfluous. 

Advancements in AI have had a notable impact on the legal industry, particularly on the role of legal assistants. Complex tasks such as legal research, drafting contracts, and reviewing documents, once laboriously performed by legal assistants, can now be swiftly handled by AI tools. 

Predictive analytics is helping law firms anticipate case outcomes and make data-backed decisions, rendering traditional assistant roles obsolete. It’s estimated that by 2024, AI-powered tools could entirely replace legal assistants. 

However, it also signifies a potential transformation in the roles and responsibilities of legal assistants, involving more strategic and less manual work.

10. Financial Jobs

AI is slated to have a profound impact on the financial industry by 2024, with automation potentially leading to job losses in routine-based roles. 

AI algorithms can conduct intricate tasks, such as analyzing market trends, trading, underwriting loans, and detecting fraudulent transactions with better accuracy and efficiency. AI systems could replace positions related to data entry, bookkeeping, and financial advising. 

The transition isn’t just about cost-effectiveness; AI is fundamentally redefining financial jobs by enhancing speed, reducing errors, and generating precise insights. But alongside the disruptions, AI is also expected to create new job opportunities in areas requiring more strategic thinking and creativity.

11. Media & Communication Jobs 

AI’s application in the media and communication sector poses a threat to various jobs. Automated algorithms and machine learning tools can write and edit news articles, conduct audience research, analyze data, and curate content for targeted advertising. 

Companies such as the Associated Press already use AI to produce business and sports news articles. Moreover, chatbots are replacing customer service roles, answering inquiries and handling complaints. 

Journalists, reporters, writers, and customer service representatives are all vulnerable to job loss as AI and robotic technologies continue to advance and outperform human capabilities.

Take out time to read the – Top 10 AI Innovations That will Change Our Lives in 2024-2025

Jobs That Won’t Be Automated 

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, artificial intelligence (AI) is being used more and more in the modern workplace. AI has certainly made tasks more efficient and has increased productivity across many sectors. 

However, this has also sparked fears that machines might eventually replace humans in a variety of fields. While it’s true that many jobs have been and will continue to be affected by automation, there are still plenty of careers that won’t be replaced by AI. 

Here are the jobs that experts believe will not be entirely automated anytime soon:

  1. Teachers
  2. Lawyers and Judges
  3. Directors, Managers, and CEOs
  4. Politicians
  5. HR Managers
  6. Singers
  7. Psychologists and Psychiatrists
  8. Priests and other spiritual figures
  9. Surgeons
  10. Professional Athletes
  11. Computer System Analysts
  12. Artists and Writers

How to Prepare For The Changes That AI Will Bring

You may be asking how you may begin to familiarize yourself with AI in the workplace to help boost your career. According to LinkedIn, the good news is that you most likely already have AI experience, whether you realize it or not. 

For example, voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri queries make use of AI. Many of the apps on your phone also employ AI. Generative AI, which has recently received a lot of attention, is the natural evolution of this technology.

The business went on to argue that in the age of artificial intelligence, it is critical to learn new skills and adapt to shifting job markets. Here are some tactics to stay ahead in the age of artificial intelligence:

1. Embrace continuous learning

In the era of AI, it is critical to constantly learn and adapt to new technologies and ways of functioning. This includes taking classes, participating in workshops and conferences, and staying current on industry trends.

2. Increase soft skills

While AI excels at mundane tasks, it falls far short of matching human emotional intelligence and creativity. Soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork will be critical in the AI era.

3. Specialize

As AI grows more prevalent, there will be a greater demand for personnel with specific skills and knowledge. You may add value to businesses and stand out in the job market by gaining expertise in a specific field.

4. Maintain agility.

In the AI era, the ability to react swiftly to changing conditions will be critical. This includes being willing to gain new skills, accept new responsibilities, and change job trajectories.

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The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) brings numerous opportunities and challenges in various fields, such as healthcare, entertainment, transportation, and commerce. However, it also opens a pandora’s box of ethical and legal issues that are complex and multifaceted. 

Here are some potential issues that could arise:

1. Privacy

AI can gather and analyze enormous amounts of personal data. This creates a massive potential for privacy invasion, particularly when it comes to sensitive data such as medical records or personal communications. AI algorithms could be misused by both corporations and governments for surveillance or for tracking people’s movements and behavior, breaching privacy norms.

2. Accountability

If an AI system malfunctions or causes harm, who should be held accountable? The machine itself can’t be responsible, but what about the programmer, the user, or the company that created or deployed the AI? It’s a challenging question that our current legal systems are not prepared to answer.

3. Job Displacement

Automation of routine and mundane tasks is projected to lead to significant job displacement. As AI technology improves, higher-skilled jobs may also be at risk. This presents both ethical and economic issues, such as how to provide for people who are unemployed because of AI.

4. Discrimination and Bias

AI systems can unintentionally perpetuate and amplify human biases if they’re not designed carefully. For example, AI models used in hiring or lending could disadvantage certain demographic groups if they’re trained on biased data. This poses significant ethical and potentially legal challenges.

5. Lack of Transparency

The inner workings of advanced AI systems can be hard to understand, even for experts. This ‘black box’ problem can make it difficult to identify when an AI is acting unfairly or making errors.

6. Security

As we rely more and more on AI systems, we become increasingly vulnerable to new forms of cyberattacks. For example, adversarial attacks can trick AI systems into making mistakes, and this could potentially have catastrophic effects in fields like autonomous driving or healthcare.

7. Human Dignity and Autonomy

With AI systems making more decisions on behalf of people, there’s a potential risk of undermining human dignity and autonomy. In healthcare, for example, AI tools are already making diagnoses and treatment recommendations, potentially reducing the human role in critical life-or-death decisions.

The ethical and legal implications of AI are complex and continually evolving. Researchers, policymakers, and society at large need to engage in ongoing dialogues about these issues to ensure that AI develops in a way that benefits humanity and respects our fundamental values.

Frequently Asked Questions

What jobs are becoming obsolete as a result of artificial intelligence?

According to the International Monetary Fund, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt over 40% of occupations worldwide, a trend that is likely to exacerbate inequality.

Can any job be replaced by AI?

While AI can replace tasks that are repetitive or can be automated, jobs that require creative thinking, emotional intelligence, and strategic planning are less likely to be fully replaced by AI.

How can one prepare for the rise of AI in their industry?

Professionals can prepare by continually upgrading their skills, particularly in areas such as emotional intelligence, creative problem-solving, and leadership. It’s also beneficial to become familiar with AI and its applications in one’s industry.

Final Thoughts 

As technology rapidly evolves, the ever-looming threat of Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking over jobs across various industries becomes increasingly realistic. The efficiency and intelligence AI offers makes it attractive to businesses seeking cost-cutting and productivity enhancements. 

However, this poses a major concern for job security. From manufacturing to customer service, many industries are predicted to face significant job displacement due to AI’s rise. 

An evergreen perspective remains essential for both individuals and industries to continually adapt and evolve with this changing landscape. Thus, focusing on skills development that complements AI could be crucial for job security shortly.


  • www.saviom.com – 12 jobs that robots (AI) will replace in the future, and 12 that won’t
  • www.govtech.com – How Artificial Intelligence Is Set to Change Work in 2024


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Onyinyechi Ikemefuna
Onyinyechi Ikemefuna

Ikemefuna Onyinyechi Patience, a skilled Content Writer hailing from Anambra State Nigeria, holds a Higher National Degree in microbiology from Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra. Armed with robust research and SEO expertise, she excels in crafting articles spanning technology, finance, healthcare, education, and lifestyle. Her work stands out for its ability to authentically inspire and engage while inciting action. Beyond her writing prowess, Ikemefuna finds joy in reading, exploring movies, and delving into continuous research, contributing to her growth as a proficient writer.

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