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Techmall IT Consult | Company profile, Business Model, and Operations

Recieved Funding?
Not Sure
Type of Funding
Venture capital, Series A Funding, Series B Funding
Number of Funding Phases
Business Type
Private Company

All you need to know about Techmall IT Consult

Techmall IT Consult is your go-to partner for technology-driven branding, digital marketing, and brand identity solutions. We help businesses harness technology to create impactful brands.

We understand branding's importance in today's market. Our experts combine technology and creativity to craft unique strategies that connect with your audience. We work closely with you to understand your business goals, ensuring your brand stands out.

In the digital era, a robust online presence is crucial. Our digital marketing services include SEO, social media marketing, and content creation. We use the latest tools to boost your brand's visibility, engage your audience, and deliver meaningful results.

We ensure your brand has a consistent and compelling visual identity. From logo design to brand guidelines, we create cohesive visuals across all platforms.

Our branding services help you craft your business's story with innovative strategies tailored to your audience. We offer market research, strategic positioning, website design, and advertising campaigns to build a powerful brand identity.

Our team of creative professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional work. With expertise in design, strategy, and marketing, we focus on creating effective visual solutions that meet our clients' needs.

Our Mission

To empower businesses with cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies, ensuring they achieve their branding and marketing goals effectively.

Our Vision

To be the leading IT firm known for transforming businesses through exceptional branding and digital marketing solutions.

Core Values at Techmall IT Consult

  • Integrity: Honest and ethical in all interactions.
  • Innovation: Continuously seeking creative and effective solutions.
  • Excellence: Commitment to delivering high-quality services.
  • Client-Centric: Prioritizing client needs and satisfaction.

Services We Provide

We offer the following services:

  • Web & Software Development: Custom websites, mobile apps, and software solutions.
  • Digital Marketing: SEO, social media marketing, content creation, and PPC.
  • Branding & Design: Logo design, brand guidelines, graphic design, and packaging.
  • AI & IoT Development: Advanced technology solutions including AI applications.
  • Market Research & Strategy: In-depth market analysis and strategic positioning.

Business Model at Techmall IT Consult

Techmall IT Consult operates on a project-based business model. They provide custom IT and branding solutions tailored to each client's needs, ensuring personalized service and effective results. Revenue is generated through service fees for each project, which vary based on complexity and client requirements.


Who is the founder of Techmall IT Consult?

It was founded by Ekwuluo Precious Uche.

What Year was Techmall IT Consult founded?

It was founded in 2022.

Where is the headquartersheadquarters of Techmall IT Consult?

The company has its Operational Headquarters at No 55a Okocha Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

How many projects a year does Techmall IT Consult deliver?

On average, this company delivers between 25 to 40 projects annually.

Who are Techmall IT Consult’s main clients?

Their main clients include small to medium-sized enterprises and larger corporations seeking to enhance their digital presence and streamline technological processes.

Company Co-founders
Umar Faruq Akinwunmi
Ekwuluo Precious Uche

Techmall IT Consult
Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Graphic Design Web Development Logo Design Artificial Intelligence Advertising Packaging Design Market Research Pay Per Click Print Design

The Company was Founded
The Company was established on
May 12, 2022
The Company has its Operational Headquarters at No 55a Okocha Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
The Company is contributing to the development of the Industry Advertising Services, Brand Awareness, Consulting, Digital Marketing, IT Services, Web Development
Staff Strength since Inception
The Company prides in her team member of about 1 - 50 active members

Techmall IT Consult Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Graphic Design Web Development Logo Design Artificial Intelligence Advertising Packaging Design Market Research Pay Per Click Print Design

Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
How many number of Funding rounds?
Not Available
Company Net worth as of 2023

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