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SM Digital Systems | Company profile, Business Model, and Operations

Recieved Funding?
Not Sure
Type of Funding
Venture capital, Series A Funding, Series B Funding
Number of Funding Phases
Business Type
Private Company

All you need to know about SM Digital Systems

SM Digital Systems is a dynamic digital agency with multiple offices but head office in London, UK. We are on a mission to create immersive digital ecosystems that captivate audiences and drive results.

Founded by Adebisi Simeon in 2022, the company focuses on blending innovation with functionality, providing clients with cutting-edge digital solutions. Their team, consisting of 10-49 members, specializes in web development, graphic design, SEO, and video production, among other services.

Their commitment to quality over speed ensures that each project is meticulously crafted to meet client needs.

Our Mission

To build immersive digital ecosystems that captivate audiences and drive results.

Our Vision

To seamlessly integrate innovation with functionality, creating lasting impressions through digital solutions.

Core Values at SM Digital Systems

  • Quality over speed
  • No compromise on quality

Services We Provide

SM Digital Systems offers various services, including:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Video Production
  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Development
  • E-Commerce Development
  • IT Strategy Consulting
  • Branding
  • Content Marketing
  • Digital Strategy
  • Conversion Optimization

Business Model at SM Digital Systems

SM Digital operates on a project-based business model, tailoring its approach and pricing to the specific needs of each client. They generate revenue through high-quality digital services, at a premium rate of $150-250 per hour. This pricing reflects their commitment to delivering top-notch solutions, combining creativity and advanced technology to meet client goals.


Who is the founder of SM Digital Systems?

The company was founded by Adebisi Simeon.

What Year was SM Digital Systems founded?

It was founded in 2023.

Where is the headquarters of SM Digital Systems?

The company has its Operational Headquarters at 15H Queensway Enfield, London, United Kingdom.

How many projects a year does SM Digital deliver?

On average, this company delivers between 25 to 40 projects annually.

Who are the company’s main clients?

Their main clients include small businesses (50%), mid-market companies (30%), and enterprises (20%).

Company Co-founders
Umar Faruq Akinwunmi
Adebisi Simeon

SM Digital Systems
Business Model

The Company major services and product include: SEO Web Design Graphic Design Video Production Web Development

The Company was Founded
The Company was established on
May 7, 2022
The Company has its Operational Headquarters at 15H Queensway Enfield London
The Company is contributing to the development of the Industry Graphics Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Design, Web Development
Staff Strength since Inception
The Company prides in her team member of about 1 - 50 active members

SM Digital Systems Business Model

The Company major services and product include: SEO Web Design Graphic Design Video Production Web Development

Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
How many number of Funding rounds?
Not Available
Company Net worth as of 2023

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