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Interbound Media Managers Ltd | Company profile, Business Model, and Operations

Recieved Funding?
Not Sure
Type of Funding
Venture capital, Series A Funding, Series B Funding
Number of Funding Phases
Business Type
Private Company

All you need to know about Interbound Media Managers Ltd

Interbound Media Managers Ltd, based in Abuja, Nigeria, is a premier digital marketing firm founded in 2008. They specialize in a wide range of services, including branding, web design and development, mobile marketing, Google marketing, social media marketing, and e-commerce solutions.

Their team of 10-49 experts ensures top-notch service delivery with a focus on creativity and professionalism. They cater to diverse industries, offering personalized solutions to enhance online presence and drive business growth.

Our Mission

To empower businesses through innovative digital marketing strategies and exceptional customer service.

Our Vision

To be the go-to digital marketing agency, transforming businesses with cutting-edge solutions and measurable results.

Core Values at Interbound Media Managers Ltd

  • Creativity
  • Professionalism
  • Reliability
  • Innovation
  • Customer Satisfaction

Services We Provide

Interbound Media Managers Ltd offers extensive services including:

  • SEO
  • Digital Strategy
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web Development
  • E-Commerce Development
  • Branding
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Direct Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Business Model at Interbound Media Managers

The company generates revenue through a comprehensive range of digital marketing services. They charge between $70 - $150 per hour, ensuring competitive pricing while maintaining high service standards.

Their business model focuses on delivering solutions to meet specific client needs, from small businesses to larger enterprises, driving profitability through strategic digital enhancements and long-term client relationships.


Who is the founder of Interbound Media Managers Ltd?

The company was founded by Obanimoh Siyaka.

What Year was Interbound Media Managers Ltd founded?

It was founded in 2008.

Where is the headquarters of Interbound Media Managers Ltd?

The company has its Operational Headquarters at Melita Plaza, Ahmadu Bello Way, Area 11, Garki, Suite A28, Abuja, Nigeria.

How many projects a year does Interbound Media Managers deliver?

On average, this company delivers between 10 to 15 projects annually.

Who are the company’s main clients?

Their main clients include businesses seeking strong digital marketing strategies and solutions. Notable clients highlighted include Wordbase Montessori Academy and Nigeria Bulk SMS.

Company Co-founders
No Co-founder
Obanimoh Siyaka

Interbound Media Managers Ltd
Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Mobile Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design and Maintenance, Paid Online Advertising, Online Marketing Consulting, Google My Business, Social Media, and Email Marketing

The Company was Founded
The Company was established on
May 22, 2008
The Company has its Operational Headquarters at Melita Plaza, Ahmadu Bello Way, Area 11, Garki, Suite A28, Abuja
The Company is contributing to the development of the Industry Advertising Services, Brand Awareness, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Market Research, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Development
Staff Strength since Inception
The Company prides in her team member of about 1 - 50 active members

Interbound Media Managers Ltd Business Model

The Company major services and product include: Mobile Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design and Maintenance, Paid Online Advertising, Online Marketing Consulting, Google My Business, Social Media, and Email Marketing

Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
Have they recieved Funding from VCs
Not Sure
How many number of Funding rounds?
Not Available
Company Net worth as of 2023

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