Bright Emeka

Bright Emeka


What Network is 0704 in Nigeria?

The terms in the world of telecommunications may sound a little bit challenging, especially while determining various operation networks in a country. In Nigeria as in most other countries, mobile phone numbers are unique by their prefixes and it is…

How to Save & Invest on Cowrywise

Full Guide on How to Save and Invest on Cowrywise

Savings and investments have never been easy, but they have become possible with the advent of fintech platforms like Cowrywise. The Nigerian fintech startup has presented an unparalleled avenue for securely and lucratively making savings and investments. This is what…

African fintech CEOs

Top 40 African Fintech CEOs and their Companies

Over the past couple of years, the African FinTech Industry has boomed, with new and innovative leaders across the continent deploying their wits to revolutionize the finance sector with technology. With this, CEO of African FinTech Companies have become vital…